The Well Nest – A Sit Down With Gwendolyn Carter
Gaining knowledge is a great thing, applying it is even better. That’s why I felt so fortunate to sit at the feet of nutritional lifestyle wellness coach, Gwendolyn Carter. Not only was she dropping knowledge, but her enthusiasm was all the motivation I needed to apply that knowledge. Gwendolyn has worked along with internationally acclaimed healers such as Queen Afua, whose books I’ve read. She preaches and teaches about the healing of the sacred organs. This week, I thought I’d share a couple of the things I learnt from Gwendolyn:
1. There’s a cactus plant we probably see everyday and pay no attention to which has amazing healing properties. The nopal cactus normalizes blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, alleviates chronic pain, flushes kidney stones, gallstones and polyps, helps with rapid recovery from breaks, sprains and fractures, relieves acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation. It is an excellent sports drink that keeps athletes hydrated, breaks fevers, supports mental clarity, and increases energy and stamina. It also encourages rapid healing from severe burns and reduces inflammation. When I sat with her, I was treated to some of the drink which she makes with the cactus. It was quite pleasant and is definitely something I’ll be adding to my daily liquid intake.
2. Gwendolyn believes that we all should ingest at least three teaspoons of spirulina algae daily. I was grateful for the reminder as I actually do have spirulina in my refrigerator. Here are some of the reasons: It is 65% protein, which is extremely high for a plant, and one of the reasons it is becoming more and more popular. It also contains sources of all eight essential amino acids. It’s an easy, healthy way to boost your protein intake, and a great source of protein for vegetarians. Furthermore, this protein is highly absorbable. It also contains essential fatty acids and is especially high in Omega 3’s, and has a significant amount of Omega 6s and Omega 9s. It is also extremely high in chlorophyll which helps to flush out toxins from the blood, acting as a natural detox and boosting the immune system. It is a fantastic source of iron, which makes it is excellent for women during pregnancy. 100g of Spirulina contains 158% of your daily Iron requirements! It’s a great beauty food as it is high in betacarotenoids which are antioxidants, help your immune system and clear your skin. It is also high in calcium which makes it excellent for growing children to help their bones and teeth develop. Guess what? It contains over 26 times the calcium in milk! Apart from these minerals, it is a great source of many micronutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin A. It is also a source of potassium, chromium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium and zinc.
3. She believes in intentional and preventative health and uses mud packs as a tool. A lot of us have been to the Sulphur Springs and covered our bodies in mud. What we don’t know is how beneficial this process really is. Mud Packs can rapidly cleanse and detoxify the accumulated bio-toxicity around the scar and re-establish the body’s normal bio-electromagnetic flow. It turns out that mud packs help to increase micro-circulation, lymph flow, boosts immune system function, eases muscle tension, rejuvenates cells so your body can repair and heal with less obstruction, allowing the body to return to ideal health. Mud Packs can be applied externally to organs and glands for rapid detox to clear whole body burden of toxic bioaccumulation. They can also help in improving mobility, frozen shoulder, hip problems, foot and hand pain, foot neuralgia, joint pain, pain in general and overall repair of damaged tissue or weakened tissue. She believes that Mud Packs over our sacred organs will help to heal and prevent illnesses.